Crucible Embedded Hypervisor provides built in security to new RES Trust Rackmount

Last week, Mercury Systems rolled out their newest product, an RES Trust Rackmount, to their #TrustedComputing product line. One of this new product’s many highlights includes secure virtualization in the form of Star Lab’s Crucible product. Crucible’s multi-platform, embedded hypervisor option configures and controls both hardware and software resources to further guard against cyberattacks and reverse engineering, with secure boot, just-in-time decryption, mandatory access control, OS Hardening and runtime software protections. We are proud to partner with companies like Mercury Systems, a leading commercial provider of secure sensor and safety-critical processing subsystems, to provide innovative, #BuiltSECURE solutions to mission-critical systems.

Read more about Mercury Systems’ newest product.

Find out more about Crucible.

Product NewsIrby Thompson